BUSINESS Transformation Coaching

Certified Rapid Results Business Coach, Debbie D'Aquino is a recognized, highly-effective, rapid results Business Coach who helps business owners, experts, and entrepreneurs who are ready to work smarter not harder create a system that helps double, triple, even quadruple their business without personal sacrifice so that they can enjoy more free time and well-deserved profits! Making more money doing what they love and making Calm their New Happy!
She is an Amazon #1 best-selling Author and Trainer in mindset success. Debbie is also the Founder of Green Tea Meditation Transformation​: high-level energy ​empowering training. Keeping fun in her life, she is a multiple award-winning Dance Instructor, specializing in West Coast Swing.
Three-time Host of International Online Telesummits, Debbie has interviewed over 66 experts from around the world in the field of personal development, business and inner growth. Debbie's Seven Point Signature System for Business Income Acceleration has exploded over the past two years. What started as personal transformation has taken wings to include the transformation of businesses in the U.S., Canada, Panama, Australia, and Thailand. Business owners, experts, and entrepreneurs hire Debbie to help shift from chronic pain points that keep their business stagnant into rapid results multiplying prospective clients, hearing 'Yes' more often, and making the money you desire!
"Being an Entrepreneur is 80% Mindset, 20% Mechanics" ~ Tony Robbins

I am excited to introduce my new book,
Calm is the New Happy, How to get there in 5 minutes.
I wrote this book with one very special person in mind. A few students from meditation class had asked me to make a recording of the methods we were learning in class. As I sat down to collect my thoughts, my heart focused on one of my brothers who was in the midst of a highly stressful time in his career. It was taking a toll on his health and his wife and five children needed him healthy and happy. I wanted a way to reach out and hand him all the healing methods I had learned to relieve his worries and financial hardships. My short recordings for class took a life of its own and grew into stories of my own personal struggles, revelations, healings, and new found trust that divine inner guidance lives in each of us.
I am so happy to have this book to give to my brother and to share with anyone who may be going through stressful times right now.

Green Tea Meditation is an easy-to-learn, quick way to add quiet, calm, and relaxation to your daily life. It releases tension, worry and anxiety. It quiets all the stressful chatter going on in the mind. It opens universal doors to the life you dream of living. All forms of meditation will put you in better control of your life by highlighting Awareness and Gratitude. Meditation helps one move away from judgement of others. Green Tea Meditation Transformation is a high-level energy empowering training addressing Health, Love, Desire, and Forgiveness. It helps one move closer to acceptance and admiration of others. And best of all, opens a new love of Self in a humble manner. Clients share that meditation has transformed their life. "I can easily let go of worries that use to eat at me, see past "appearances" and rest assured everything will turn out for the good."

Are you interested in receiving all my complimentary stuff delivered to your inbox? It's All Good, uplifting, inspiring, and motivating!Here's what you get . . .
- 3-part Video for Creating Joy and Inner Peace on a Daily Basis.
- One-Minute Meditations designed to release tension arrives twice a week.
- Weekly Friday Reflection on wins and challenges that I have learned along the way.
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Click HERE .... it will take you to a new opt-in page .... Please ADD your name .... After you have officially requested and confirmed your email address for the 3-part video, the first video will arrive in your in-box right away. Check your spam or junk mail if you don't find it in your in-box. Still not there, then write me asap debbie@debbiedaquino.com

Learn this sensational dance on a Sunday afternoon. BEGINNERS start any Sunday you're available! No Need to Bring a Partner – We Rotate. Classes have been established since 2001. Each week attendance ranges between 15 to 40 students. There are three levels offered. Basics 2-3 p.m., Intermediate 3-4 p.m., Adv. Styling 4-5 p.m.We are having so much fun on Sundays.... You really should join us! It's o.k. if you miss a week. (We review, reset, replay, redemo..... it's all good :)
Class Location: South Bay Dance Center (Upstairs Studio) 24827 S. Western Ave., Lomita, CA 90717
For additional details and prices,
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